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If helping the fire department interests you but fighting fires or riding in ambulance isn’t for you, our Logistics Support Team could use your help!!!

The logistics team member provides support as needed to facilitate effective and efficient incident management response to local emergencies, natural disasters and public events.  Emphasis is on providing support to ensure that the physical and mental well-being of members operating at the scene (emergency or non-emergency) does not deteriorate to the point where it affects the safety of the emergency responders.  Typical incidents where the logistics team members may be utilized includes but is not limited to; support of extended emergency on-scene operations, e.g., structure fires, wildland fires, hazmat incidents, floods, and other large/complex emergency incidents, support of district sanctioned exercises/training drill evolutions and/or sanctioned community or public events.

In addition, the logistics team aids in the many day-to-day activities around the station that are needed including vehicle maintenance, computer support and information technology, human resource duties, administrative work, and other miscellaneous tasks.


Candidate Contact Person:
Captain Bob Shannon, Recruit Coordinator
Phone: 509-967-2945
Email: [email protected]