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Benton County Fire Protection District #4 (BCFD4) is a department that is composed of both volunteers and career staff.  We rely on our volunteers for incident response, participation in community events, public education, and various other requests for public assistance. Volunteers are needed for firefighting, EMS, and many other duties. When applying, candidates can specify how they would like to volunteer their time.

If applying to be a volunteer firefighter, no previous experience is necessary. We will enroll you in a training academy for wildland and/or structural firefighting. After joining, each volunteer is encouraged to become involved with the department as much as possible and attend required training (including academies).

We also allow volunteers for EMS only, provided they are currently qualified as an EMT or higher. If an applicant is not currently qualified, we can recruit you into our Logistics organization and help you get there.

Recruiting normally happens once a year to coincide with the structural academy, but we accept applications at any time. After submitting a complete application, applicants will be contacted by a representative from BCFD4 with more information on next steps. At any time after turning in an application, applicants can change their information by contacting our Volunteer Recruit Coordinator, Captain Bob Shannon, at [email protected] or by calling the the process. If at any time after turning in an application, applicants can change their information by contacting the station.


What is required to be a volunteer at BCFD4?

To become a volunteer firefighter or EMT, candidates ages 18 or older must live within a reasonable response time to district boundaries or stations.

How long does the academy last?

The Structure Firefighting Academy lasts approximately three months and is tailored to allow our volunteers to attend: it occurs two nights per week and every other Saturday. The Wildland Academy has a few classroom and/or online learning sessions and a hands-on day and is typically held in early spring.

Other than firefighting skills, what do participants take away from this experience?

Participants learn how important teamwork, comradery, and discipline are in the everyday lives of firefighters. They have opportunities to participate in community functions and understand the vital, daily role of the Fire District to residents and community organizations–beyond emergencies.

Candidate Contact Person:
Captain Bob Shannon, Recruit Coordinator
Phone: 509-967-2945
Email: [email protected]